Jet engines are relatively simple in their basic design, but advancements in gas turbine engine technology have mostly done away with the cool-looking bucket-type reverse thrust systems.
While ionic lifters are nothing new, this robust multi-stage thruster looked (and sounded) more like a miniature jet engine than anything that had come before it. Optimizations would need to be ...
On the heels of an announcement that the U.S. would scrap its Next Generation Air Dominance program, China’s own sixth-gen ...
China has made it a national priority to develop military jet engines for its fighter jets, bombers, transports, and UAVs.
GE Honda's pride and joy is the HF120, a turbofan jet engine that produces 2,095 pounds of thrust, perfect for the private jet market. According to GE Honda, the engine is reliable enough to go ...
While Rolls-Royce and others in the aerospace industry are working on electric and hybrid propulsion systems for aircraft, for long-haul aircraft, at the moment jet engines are the only option.
and a cold thruster isn't going to give you anywhere near that. Narrator: Besides building three different engines, Matt had to build the proper jet-engine control panels, including a setup for ...