Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
It’s fitting that this movie is being released now, just after the centenary of Kafka’s death was marked, and as an exhibit is running at the National Library of Israel.
Somewhat like... The first biography of Franz Kafka was published in 1937 in Prague. It was written by his friend Max Brod and bore the subtitleMemories and Documents. This biographical account was ...
Perhaps that already partly answers the question of whether a literary canon is really in keeping with the times. What is a canon anyway? The term is from the Greek and means a rule, standard or ...
With a rich history spanning more than 5,000 years, China holds a treasure trove of literary classics, while their value has ...
Just how good are computers at literary translation at the moment? To begin to answer that question I tasked today’s leading MT systems with producing an English version of one of the most famous ...
Kafka responded, “Plenty of hope, for God — no end of hope — only not for us.” The same might be said for literature today — infinite hope for Literature, no hope for our literary culture.
Evan Parks is a Visiting Scholar at New York University’s Center for the Humanities and Director of Education for the Bronfman Fellowship. His research treats modern German literature and culture, the ...
Brod then published many of the works and played a key role in establishing Kafka's success as one of the 20th century's key literary figures. Brod's own death in 1968 ushered in what library ...
(JTA) — Benjamin Balint won the 2020 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature for his book “Kafka’s Last Trial: The Case of a Literary Legacy.” The nonfiction work is an account of the ...