Kenny G,你听说过这个名字吗?他凭借着24首抒情榜TOP40单曲和9张全美爵士榜冠军唱片的辉煌成就,成为了萨克斯风格的代表。一提到Kenny G,许多人都会想到那首家喻户晓的《回家》。这首曲子的旋律悠扬而温暖,动人心弦,成为无数音乐爱好者了解萨克斯的第一步。
Acclaimed award-winning saxophonist Kenny G will bring his "Timeless Legacy" Tour to Malaysia, captivating audiences with his ...
Kenny G wants you to know that he doesn’t like the term “smooth jazz.” “For me,” the saxophonist says in his new memoir, ...
Acclaimed award-winning saxophonist Kenny G is set to captivate audiences with his signature blend of jazz and pop this 13th ...