The Khoisan at Union Buildings mourn Queen Cynthia Triegaardt's passing and press on with their demands for first-nation recognition and cultural rights.
King Khoisan SA and Queen Khoisan SA were returning to Pretoria from Port Elizabeth when the vehicle they were travelling in ...
For instance, research on the Nguni languages demonstrates how the adoption of click sounds from Khoisan languages occurred early in their history, indicating a long-standing interaction between ...
King Khoisan SA, a man who led a group of Khoisan people, staged a protest and camped outside the Union Buildings in Pretoria over the last six years, has accused the National Khoi-San Council ...
The group is demanding recognition as the First Nation and land rights, the scrapping of the name coloured as they prefer to be recognised as Khoisan, and the inclusion of their language as one of ...