What became of his widow, Ankhesenamun? Are the two mummified fetuses found in his tomb King Tutankhamun's own prematurely born children, or tokens of purity to accompany him into the afterlife?
Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is also known ... Tutankhamun married his half-sister but their children did not survive. He was succeeded by his vizier, Ay. This is it. This where it happened.
King Tutankhamun has captivated the world since his tomb was discovered in 1922. Unearthed by British archaeologist Howard Carter, it was the first time a pharaoh's burial chamber had been found ...
He Was Buried With His Deceased Children The tragic story of King Tut's lineage includes two stillborn daughters buried alongside him. These mummified fetuses were discovered in his tomb, each ...