If the government is making changes to KiwiSaver contribution rates, the amount we are putting aside for retirement should be pushed up to 10 percent of incomes, providers say. At the moment, the ...
Average balances were highest among people aged 86 and over, with an $174,842 average overall and $206,152 for women. But ...
While most New Zealand employees are contributing 3 percent of their salaries to KiwiSaver, matched by 3 percent by an employer, there are a number of people for whom their employer's contribution is ...
The NZX opened lower on Tuesday, and many KiwiSaver investors checking their balances might have had an unpleasant surprise. Here are five things to do if you’re worried about market volatility.
KiwiSaver funds have returned between 4-11% on average over 10 years. What investment opportunities are funds eyeing next, and should we expect fees to fall or rise as a result? Total funds under ...
New data reveals that Generate KiwiSaver Scheme members, on average, have higher balances than the industry norm. Generate attributes this to its strong focus on providing KiwiSaver advice and ...
If someone wanted to save $3m from scratch in the 18 years KiwiSaver has been operating, they would need to put aside about $5000 a month with a return of 10 percent. Pie Funds chief executive Ana ...
Given the issues around KiwiSaver, it’s a miracle any of us save anything to become remotely independent in retirement. Last week we told you about the Morningstar rankings and how the biggest ...
The Retirement Commission has called for policy tweaks to combat a persistent gap in retirement savings between men and women. It today published the latest report from actuaries Melville Jessup ...
The default Kiwisaver contribution rate could be due for a shakeup. Finance Minister Nicola Willis is looking at upping the amount employees and employers contribute to their KiwiSaver accounts.