The five-day Nepalese Hindu festival of Tihar started this week and the second day is known as Kukur Tihar or "day of the dogs". Dogs are celebrated and blessed with a Tika - a red mark applied to ...
Bengaluru, October 17 (ANI): Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) observed Kukur Tihar, also known as festival of dogs, in Bengaluru. The event recognised dogs' contributions to society and ...
Kathmandu (Nepal), Oct 31 (ANI): Nepal Police on Thursday celebrated its service dogs with a feast and special treats, coinciding with the second day of the Tihar festival, which recognizes Kukur ...
Kukur Tihar, the second day of the five-day Tihar festival, is for worshipping dogs as agents of Yamaraj, the god of death. Agriculture expert Dadhi Ram Kharel, who celebrated the festival at home ...