In 1964, while working on multiple books, including Tales to Astonish, a sci-fi anthology that featured Hulk stories, the duo introduced Samuel Sterns, better known as The Leader. The Marvel ...
X-Factor leader Angel is revealed to have gotten a major power upgrade in the latest chapter of the X-Manhunt event.
Few Marvel Comics villain’s live-action debuts have been teased as long as the Leader. The Hulk’s brilliant adversary was first introduced in his pre-villain form in 2008’s The Incredible ...
Foes, and The Juggernaut are some of the iconic Marvel villains that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk must one day face in the MCU.
Marvel Snap's arguably most hated card received a huge rework but is the green supervillain still able to lead the pack? The Green Meanie AKA the Leader has been terrorizing the Marvel Snap meta for a ...
The Leader debuted in Marvel comics as a member of the Hulk’s rogue’s gallery. Unlike Bruce Banners, an accomplished scientist, the Leader was originally Samuel Sterns, a janitor. However, Samuel also ...
Tim Blake Nelson's The Leader creeps into Captain America: Brave New World. Captain America: Brave New World is proving to be one of the more divisive movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ...
17 years after his first appearance, Captain America: Brave New World star says the Marvel movie's take on The Leader is "not the version I expected to play" Captain America: Brave New World ...