Trending News: In South Africa's Marloth Park, IT consultant Travis Carreira captured an extraordinary moment where an impala battled for its life against a leopard, hyenas, and crocodiles from ...
He spoke about the incident with Latest Sightings which involved a leopard, hyenas and crocodiles, while Impala was the unfortunate victim. Things began when Carreira’s friends spotted a leopard ...
The leopard stalked and killed an impala for an exhausting 45 minutes and stashed his prey in a tree for dinner However a pride of lions saw an opportunity for a free meal, climbed the tree ...
Above image: Xudum the leopard scans the horizon for impala. We’d never captured Xudum attempting a jump before Here African ebonies with fruits, and kigelia trees with their prolific succulent ...
Young Kali is a keen hunter, but has a lot to learn. Olive was stalking impala when the youngster decided to join in, with predictable results. He was quickly spotted, and impala was off the menu ...