What Car? Classifieds has 2,548 approved used Lexus cars available for sale from top Lexus dealers. Browse our classifieds now - the easiest and most powerful used car search tool around – and ...
That's cool, the Lexus 4.6 liter V8 does have a muscular snarl, and the GS can at least keep up with the pack. What's uncool is the snooty tagline, admonishing "just because you can do something ...
The Advertising Standards Authority in England is an ad industry run group that ... They certainly deserve credit for cars like the Prius, but many of the Lexus hybrids are not that impressive ...
What Car? Classifieds has 2,588 approved used Lexus cars available for sale from top Lexus dealers. Browse our classifieds now - the easiest and most powerful used car search tool around – and ...