New research shows that parasitic nematodes, responsible for infecting more than a billion people globally, carry viruses that may solve the puzzle of why some cause serious diseases. A study led ...
A research team has unveiled a new method for assessing the freshness of bighead carp heads in cold chain logistics using ...
基于深度学习的大风订正预报研究全文请用PC端下载 地址:http://www.hyyb.org.cn/Magazine/Show.aspx?ID=3601读书小笔记作者:杨凡1 刘志丰2 任兆鹏1 崔天伦3 于洋3单位:1. 青岛市气象服务中心, ...
Devise uses AI to detect infectious diseases and determine patients’ antibiotic susceptibilities in 15 minutes ...