Blackbeard and Imu are the two possible final villains of One Piece but the former might just be an obstacle in Luffy's path ...
From Alvida to Buggy these One Piece villains underestimated Monkey D. Luffy and never stood a chance against him.
Blackbeard vs Shanks is one of the most anticipated fights in One Piece, and it might happen sooner than we anticipated with Blackbeard winning off-screen.
The Whole Cake Island arc delivered one of the most technically impressive and thematically rich battles in One Piece history ...
The characters of One Piece come to blows quite frequently, and some of those battles proved to be quite an entertaining ...
His son, Collun, is already twenty years old. Gaban agrees to hand over the key to Loki’s cuff if Luffy defeats him. One Piece Chapter 1140 features their battle, and here’s how it went down.
This has sparked a fierce debate in the One Piece community about whether or not Kaido is still alive. On the one hand, ...
This led him to adopt the belief in dying a graceful death. As a result, he remained in Wano, waiting for the arrival of Joy Boy (Luffy) and indirectly planning his death. Born 59 years ago in the ...
Enel was one of the earliest legitimately strong villains that Luffy defeated in the earlier chapters of One Piece. Although Enel's overall abilities, goals, and personality made him a fan ...
One Piece's latest chapter reveals a new threat on Elbaf, setting up a perfect battle for Luffy's imaginative Gear Five powers.