美国陆军公布了一张M2布雷德雷步兵战车(Bradley IFV)的演习照片,相当令人讶异,原来它身上的拖式飞弹发射器,打出的飞弹我们从未看过。美军的图片解说称它是「670型飞弹」,这名称也是闻所未闻。战区(The Warzone) ...
In another instance, an M2 Bradley endured a confrontation with a Russian T-72 tank, suffering only minor damage but ensuring crew safety. Earlier, the combat vehicle successfully faced off a BM ...
The M2 and M3 Bradley FIghting Vehicle is a lightly armored ... country mobility to keep up with the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle ...
It provides local soldiers with protection against drones and mines and the ability to engage in anti-tank battles with various types of Russian equipment. In some cases, the M2 Bradley not only ...
The ship delivered M1A1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradley armored vehicles and JLTV light support vehicles. The website underscores the great importance of the port of Alexandroupolis for the US and NATO.