The FDA approved OBA-1® MRI Compact Anesthesia Unit can be safely used in a MRI scan room with shielded or unshielded magnets. The OBA-1® MRI Unit may be placed within the 5 Guass line ...
That’s the pitch from a new cluster of companies selling high-tech scans to healthy people interested in learning more about their wellness. These whole-body MRI scans aren’t cheap. Startup companies ...
In June 2023, a 57-year-old woman entered an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) room carrying a concealed handgun. The powerful magnetic field of the MRI machine pulled the iron gun from her ...
A computer "reads" this to create an image in a process known as MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. MRI is excellent for observing soft tissues because they have a higher water (and therefore ...
The accused is a staff member of an MRI center and medi scan who had concealed a mobile phone in the false ceiling of the changing room. A couple who reached the path lab for testing the hidden ...