According to an Adomonline story. In a tragic occurrence, unknown individuals set fire to Savannah Regional Minister Saeed Muhazu Jibril's corn farm in the Damongo town of the Savannah Region.
Farmers living around Kingwal swamp in Nandi are counting losses after Sitatunga antelopes invaded their maize farms. About 200 rare antelopes invaded the farms and fed on the crop. Farmers ...
farmers of the areas alleged that over 1,500 acres of maize crops were damaged by the pigs, and most women are reluctant to engage in farm works, in fear of the animal. Feral pigs, which are non ...
According to an Adomonline story. In a tragic occurrence, unknown individuals set fire to Savannah Regional Minister Saeed Muhazu Jibril's corn farm in the Damongo town of the Savannah Region. The ...