We propose the VMRNN cell, a new recurrent unit that integrates the strengths of Vision Mamba blocks with LSTM. Our extensive evaluations show that our proposed approach secures competitive results on ...
We propose the VMRNN cell, a new recurrent unit that integrates the strengths of Vision Mamba blocks with LSTM. Our extensive evaluations show that our proposed approach secures competitive results on ...
The MSFMamba network is composed of three key components: the Multi-Scale Spatial Mamba (MSpa-Mamba) block, the Spectral Mamba (Spe-Mamba) block, and the Fusion Mamba (Fus-Mamba) block. The MSpa-Mamba ...
The core of FMambaIR is the F-Mamba block, which combines Fourier transform and Mamba for global degradation perception modeling. Specifically, F-Mamba adopts a dual branch complementary structure, ...