Under whale shark and manta ray encounter guidelines, you must stay at least 10 feet away from the animals at all times, and never attempt to touch them. You also shouldn't attempt to block their ...
Ghost Shark and Manta Ray protect the undersea realm. Sounds like the plot of a future Marvel movie, but in actual fact, it’s what could be the future of Pacific naval defenses. Ghost Shark and ...
The largest ray in the world (up to 8m wide!), the giant manta is a graceful and gentle creature. They can make migrations across the oceans, finding their way by following topographical maps ...
Hannah Medd, a conservation scientist with the Palm Beach Gardens-based American Shark Conservancy, said there’s little known about the Florida manta rays, and what had been collected prior to ...
WASHINGTON— On behalf of Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity, Earthjustice sued the Trump administration today for failing to protect oceanic whitetip sharks and giant manta ...