Zenshu, an original anime by MAPPA, explores darker themes of anime production, focusing on physical and mental health consequences. The show revolves around Natsuko, who is reincarnated into her ...
Exploring lighter moments or original missions would give fans a richer experience and add depth to the world. By incorporating such content, MAPPA could elevate an already great anime to greater ...
That's the problem an acclaimed animator faces in Zenshu, the latest series from MAPPA Studio. With the success of her first anime creation ... another original creation just like this one.
MAPPA's Zenshu blends unique storytelling with the usage of dual animation styles, showcasing creative challenges and ...
The names Shinichiro Watanabe and MAPPA Studio are sure to get the attention of many otaku, and so is their new anime, ...
Japanese animation studio MAPPA announced more Dorohedoro anime is on the way. Five years since the release of the first season, viewers will get a follow up to the series sometime in 2025.
Editor’s Note: There will be some minor spoilers for early parts of the first episode of the MAPPA anime Zenshu below. However, Natsuko is a bit of a failure as a human being, since her hair ...
On Saturday, January 4, 2025, Crunchyroll announced that MAPPA's Zenshu anime will receive a same-day English dub, starting its premiere on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Additionally, the official ...
MAPPA Studios' new original anime, Zenshu, is all about meta references. Read on to find out where the story is headed with Episode 2.