The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has cleared a major hurdle in making a Generation IV nuclear reactor practical. Using a ...
Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a method that can track chemical changes in molten salt in real ...
After five years of trying to find the right ingredients, scientists at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) believe they have ...
When was the last time you heard about nuclear power and the demand for uranium? People used to debate the matter passionately, but it hasn’t been a hot topic in the developed world for some ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
The analysis revealed that the first piece of debris contained uranium and zirconium, a metal used in the cladding that encases fuel rods. JAEA said the debris was formed from melted nuclear fuel ...
After years of effort, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) scientists have created fuel for the world’s first fast-spectrum molten salt reactor. The Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE) will test ...
An estimated 880 tons of solidified melted uranium fuel, known as fuel debris, remain. Technicians extracted a miniscule sample of highly radioactive rubble. The piece, smaller than 5 ...
After five years of research, scientists at the US Idaho National Laboratory (INL) believe they have created the perfect ...