View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Now, in the new study, Sinclair and his colleagues tested whether this relocalization of chromatin modifiers is involved in aging. To do so, they ...
Life relies on the storage and transmission of information. In complex organisms, this information exists in two primary ...
The scientists figured out a process to reverse mental aging in mice, and the experiments also worked on human cells in lab testing. However, these are just the first steps toward the creation of ...
Figure 1: Cognitive deficits in a two-choice discrimination task are detected in R6/2 mice using an interactive touchscreen system. At the end of reversal testing, we presented mice in the younger ...
The drug was found to extend the lifespan of mice by almost 20 percent. This is a surprising and exciting development, as scientists have been looking for ways to stop or even reverse aging for ...
Researchers aim to continue studying the role of the X chromosome in brain aging, and whether it can explain people’s risk of ...