The first method uses a ring resonator, which is just a PCB with a circular microstrip of known circumference. Microstrip feedlines approach but don’t quite attach to the ring, leaving a tiny ...
边缘耦合差分对称带状线传输线是一种常见的差分走线布线技术。有四种不同类型的阻抗用于表征差分走线阻抗。这个计算器可以找到奇数和偶数传输线阻抗。建模近似可用于了解边缘耦合差分带状线传输线的阻抗。 The edge couple differential symmetric stripline ...
The first method uses a ring resonator, which is just a PCB with a circular microstrip of known circumference. Microstrip feedlines approach but don’t quite attach to the ring, leaving a tiny ...