Vahagn Grigoryan embarked on an adventure, founding VAGA Restaurant and Bar, a fusion of the traditional and the contemporary, the Armenian and the Arabic, fine dining and a taste of home. As VAGA’s ...
From food celebrations to modern cultural events, Armenia’s festivals put the country’s heritage and playful spirit in the spotlight. An air balloon festival is held in Yerevan every year ...
These atrocities are central to their national identities and the establishment of modern Armenia (1918) and Israel (1948). Despite this shared history, Israel’s reluctance to officially recognize the ...
Assignment Armenia’s Daredevils The Medieval Warriors Inspiring Modern Armenians A group of ageing war veterans who stormed a police station in Armenia call themselves the Daredevils of Sassoun ...
While the standardised Western Armenian literary language is a product of the nineteenth century, the populations that would embrace it as their modern literary language in Istanbul and Izmir had ...
The study compares newly generated modern Armenian genomes and published genetic data of ancient individuals from the Armenian highlands with both modern and ancient genomes from the Balkans.