This sets off the game's story and likely will make players want an Anjanath of their own. For those that aren't fully familiar with the terminology of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin ...
Monster Hunter Wilds Gore Magala is finally returning, but there’s only one old-gen wyvern that we want to see return from the murky depths.
On day three of my visit to Capcom in Osaka, Japan, I once again sat in a dimly lit conference room. I was playing Monster ...
Meanwhile, Fulgur Anjanath and Ebony Odogaron were previously seen in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. Blangoga (from Monster Hunter 2) Lagiacrus (from Monster Hunter 3) Seregios (from Monster ...
On top of that, there will be some event-exclusive Hunt-a-thon points featuring only Silver Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Rathalos, Basarios, and Anjanath monsters. The Monster Hunter Now Prepare for ...