You might want to avoid these New York airports, which are among the most expensive of any in America when it comes to buying a beer. A new study by Finance Buzz analyzed “regular-sized domestic ...
LaGuardia Airport topped the nation with a $13.83 tab for a domestic beer in the survey that determined the average airport price for a cold one was $8.97, an increase from the $7.42 average price ...
According to the report, the most expensive beer in the world is found in Dubai, where an average pint will run you $12. The next-costliest city was Oslo, Norway, where an average pint costs $10.30.
My least favorite beer out of the five I tried was the Guayabera Citra Pale Ale from Cigar City Brewing. It was also tied for the second most expensive beer. A six-pack of 12-fluid ounce cans was ...