Motorola Mobility on Wednesday announced the tablet countless Android fans have been waiting for. The Motorola XOOM is a 10.1-inch full touchscreen device with specs that look like they’ll line ...
Sure, we’ve gone hands-on with Motorola’s tasty Honeycomb tablet before ... What’s funny, to us, is how similar the back of the XOOM — because of the use of aluminum and black, matte ...
Now the latest from the XOOM front is pointing towards a $699 price point for the first Honeycomb tablet. This forms part of the ongoing XOOM series where we have seen the Motorola tablet to be ...
There are a number of reasons that make the Xoom tablet PC from Motorola important. For one, it would be the first serious tablet effort from Motorola that till now has enjoyed a commendable ...
Motorola Xoom 2 Review: It's the updated version of the brand's original Android tablet, but does the inclusion of Honeycomb offer much improvement? Update:Check out our Motorola Xoom 2 and ...
The Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition is the brand's latest Android tablet, but how does it compare ... is well styled with a combination of a metal back panel and angular and slightly raised black ...