known as Hijri New Year, marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is celebrated on the first day of Muharram. This important date celebrates the Hijra, the migration of the Prophet ...
and prayed that the new Hijri year may bring blessings for Pakistan, Islamic Ummah and the whole world. In their separate messages at the advent of Muharram-ul-Haram, the first month of the Hijri year ...
on Muharram 1, 1446. As many as 159 technicians and craftsmen will take part in the annual customary tradition of changing the kiswa on the first day of the new year in the Islamic calendar.
There are other Muslim holidays and Muslim festivals like Muharram, Eid-ul-Zuha etc... Islamic festivals and holidays are based on the Islamic Hijra calendar which is a lunar calendar. Therefore ...