直播吧3月6日讯 昨日,湖人前锋詹姆斯在主场击败鹈鹕的比赛中得到34分,达成个人生涯常规赛+季后赛总得分50000分里程碑。 今日,《NBA 2K》游戏官推晒出一张骑士、热火、湖人时期不同2K能力值的詹姆斯游戏形象图。
If you want an authentic basketball experience on your phone, play NBA 2K Mobile. Pick your team and participate in matches to score points and obtain collectible cards of your favorite basketball ...
A look at the top two MVP candidates in the NBA 2K League. Breaking down the 76ers GC squad. Behind the scenes of the 2024 NBA 2K League draft in Orlando, Florida. The former teammates look back ...
When it comes to NBA 2K, MyTeam is where it’s at. But if players are looking for a slightly different spin on the videogame version, having access to the NBA 2K mobile app—not to be confused ...
直播吧3月8日讯 NBA常规赛,掘金在主场以149-141加时击败太阳。 此役,约基奇出战44分55秒,22投13中,其中三分7中3,另外罚球3中2,狂轰31分21篮板22助攻3抢断!
Tyrese Haliburton may have pull in the WWE, but his recent success also influenced a popular, significantly successful video game franchise. After Haliburton hit the game-winning shot over the ...
10 天
来自MSN小托马斯:30分20篮板20助攻 就是在2K也打不出这样的数据😂直播吧3月8日讯 NBA常规赛,掘金在主场以149-141加时击败太阳。 此役,约基奇出战44分55秒,22投13中,其中三分7中3,另外罚球3中2,狂轰31分21篮板22助攻3抢断!