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PC Magazine is your complete guide to computers, phones, tablets, peripherals and more. We test and review the latest gadgets, products and services, report technology news and trends, and provide ...
We’re nearing the finish line. Nvidia’s RTX 50-series is almost here, and some of these GPUs are soon bound to top every ranking of the best graphics cards, completely altering the state of ...
Nvidia writes that to mark 25 years since the launch of the GeForce 256, it will be taking a nostalgic journey on its social ...
Strix Halo虽然早已久闻大名,但大多是只见其声未见其人。捕风捉影的参数确实带劲,什么40CU堪比独显的大核显,和LGA 1700一样大的尺寸,作为一款移动CPU听着就蛮唬人的。而就在前天,AMD RYZEN AI MAX+ PRO ...