Nasal irrigation is the cleansing of the nasal cavity with sterile salt water to flush out excess mucus or debris from the sinuses and nose, such as with the use of a neti pot. "People are more ...
By incorporating these easy sinus relief tips into your daily routine you can alleviate nasal congestion and begin the day ...
Some people swear by a neti pot to clear their sinuses. A neti pot is a small container shaped like a teapot that is used to ...
The 69-year-old woman first developed a persistent sinus infection, which led doctors to prescribe her with a commonly-used neti pot to flush out her sinuses, according to a case report published ...
Narrator Whenever Phara Brown begins to get congested, she immediately turns to a centuries old method of clearing her sinuses: the neti pot. Phara Brown, Sinus Sufferer At first I was a little ...