A National Geographic photograph captures donkeys casting zebra-like shadows, creating a stunning optical illusion. The ...
Recently in Nature(399, 466– 470, 1999), Anthony Leonardo and Mark Konishi of Caltech reported that zebra finches retain a surprising ability to modify their songs in response to auditory ...
Zebra are closely related to the domesticated ... becoming highly attuned to the predatory nature of their environment. Sharing their habitat with some of the most dangerous predators on earth ...
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a small freshwater fish that is an extensively studied vertebrate model organism. It can be bred rapidly in large numbers, is amenable to genetics, and has a clear ...
“A zebra mussel is a little mollusk,” said Michael Nickell with the Sibley Nature Center in Midland. “It’s a little bivalve clam-like thing.” While they are commonly found in lakes and ...
The Grevy’s zebra is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with about 2,500 adults in the wild. Both Ethiopia and Kenya have laws in place protecting the ...