Take Reddit user [Lord_of_Bone]’s Nerf Gun ammo counter and range finder, for example, a great example of having a great idea and looking around for the ways to implement it. For the range ...
Amazon has Nerf discounts of over 70% right now, so it's time to get silly and go into big kid mode with a new Nerf gun.
[Paul] and his buddy [Jonathan] recently had a zombie themed Larp event to go to, so in the spirit of making the experience more realistic, they decided to upgrade their Nerf N-Strike Stryfe gun.
Two story nerf gun battle with nerf ammo everywhere.
Fortnite quickly reverted a Rocket ammo nerf in Chapter 6 Season 2 Battle Royale after player backlash. Players criticized the nerf since the Sticky Grenade Launcher, the main user of Rocket ammo ...