Mazda has announced a full redesign of its popular CX-5 SUV, marking the first complete model change in eight years. Since ...
CX-5 will get a new-look front end bringing it into line with the new Mazda6e and CX-60 Skyactiv-Z engine will be paired with ...
The next-gen CX-5 will have two new features from Mazda: the hybrid system and a new Skyactiv-Z four-cylinder engine.
正在暖身预热的新一代 马自达 CX-5 让不少车迷关注,而发布时间点预计会在今年,同时原厂最新预告,全新开发的Skyactiv-Z引擎将成为CX-5一大战力,将采用2.5升排气量,结合油电技术,下一代CX-5有望成Skyactiv-Z引擎首搭车款。
电气化并不容易,尤其是对于小型车企来说,成本更是关键问题。以销量计,Mazda绝对属于“小众”阵营——这家日本车企自称是“细分市场玩家”。在传统车企因电动车(EV)需求波动和地缘政治动荡导致的通货膨胀压力而艰难转型之际,削减成本的变革势在必行——有时 ...
Mazda confirms the next generation of its CX-5 SUV, expected in 2027, will feature a hybrid powertrain, developed internally.
Mazda's next-generation gasoline engine is called the Skyactiv-Z. The Japanese automaker first announced the new tech last ...
Z, an all-new gasoline engine set to debut in the next-generation Mazda CX-5, expected in late 2027.The engine will be paired ...
Mazda has reduced its planned investment for electrification by half a trillion yen ($3.3B). The company aims for a ...
Lawrence Cheung, New Cars Editor The amount of space in the front of the Mazda CX-5 is comparable with most of its key family SUV rivals. As such, there's enough head and leg room for tall adults ...