While the company makes economical sedans and SUVs, Nissan has also produced some incredible sports cars in its time. Here ...
For now, Nissan has not announced a direct successor to the R35, and no next-generation GT-R is waiting in the wings. The ...
GT-R R35作为品牌最顶级的车款,由2007年至今已销售18年,动力方面亦由480匹逐渐提升至530、549匹。今次GT-R的R35停产,可说是一个时代的终结,但不代表GT-R车系正式告别,其实早于2023年日产曾公开概念车“Nissan Hyperforce”,虽然至今仍未有会量产的消息,但会否成为日产新一代的代表作,各位车迷就拭目以待。
Nissan日前在官方网站宣布,已终止接受GT-R的新订单。现行GT-R车款“R35”此前已经宣布将于2025年8月停产,这次停止接受订单之后,余下的产能将会用来满足现有订单。 GT-R的历史可追溯至56年前,1969年诞生的“Skyline 2000 ...
With no replacement in sight and Nissan's shaky financials, this might be it for the sports car known as "Godzilla." ...