Each task is timed, usually at a maximum of 5 minutes. Rotating in a sequence, students start at different stations and progress until they have completed all tasks. We use OSCE as a summative ...
The OSCE examination consists of ten stations, six assessing skills and four assessing the patient journey. Prior to your arrival at the Competence Test Centre please ensure you have completed the ...
Prepare for the OSCE exam, access learning resources and exam help information. The OSCE is designed to assess your ability to competently apply your professional nursing or midwifery knowledge and ...
The OSCE organized a series of meetings focused on risk identification, analysis and management for representatives from the Moldovan General Police ...
A group of nurses who hail from the south western Indian state of Kerala have been celebrating passing their OSCE exams – and ...
We are calling on the governments of the Baltic countries and other OSCE member states to give a profound assessment to these Nazi gatherings, which is particularly important in the year of the ...
which includes an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) component, has provisional dates released by the National ...
The press office of the OSCE Secretariat declined to comment on the statement made by Secretary General Feridun Sinirlioğlu, ...