2024年2月5日,科技领域一则重磅消息震动了VR玩家的心。初代Oculus Quest,曾经引领虚拟现实潮流的鼻祖,如今正式画上了生命周期的句点。Meta公司宣布,从即日起,开发者将无法在应用商店对其进行更新,初代Quest的应用将被屏蔽,你再也无法获取新版本的支持。
目前,Quest 2、Pro、3 和 3S 均已更新至 v72 版本 ... 让继续支持初代 Quest 变得更加困难。 Meta 停止对初代 Oculus Quest 的所有软件更新,预示着 Quest 系列头显的寿命周期大约为 6 年。这引发了人们对 Quest 2 命运的担忧,该头显可能会在 2026 年停止支持。
在虚拟现实(VR)技术快速发展的今天,你是否曾经好奇过一款VR设备的生命周期有多长?随着Meta公司宣布初代Oculus Quest正式退休,许多玩家不禁要探讨这款于2019年上市的VR头显在科技进程中的重要性和影响。初代Quest的退役就像是一代人的青春落幕,是否会让你怀念那个开始沉浸式体验的光辉历史?
This sets the shelf-life for Quest headsets at just under six years, which suggests the Quest 2 would lose all support in ...
The Meta Quest family of virtual reality headsets is getting a new update, which adds and improves upon numerous features, ...
The best Oculus Quest 2 games in 2025 have the power to transport you to a different world in the most literal sense currently possible. VR tech is fascinating in how it lets us control our games ...
Meta looks to have put the final nail in the coffin of the original Oculus Quest VR headset – and it gives us some idea of the life expectancy for the company's other current headsets.
现已更名为Reality Labs并由Facebook母公司(Meta)持有的Oculus ... Meta Quest的产业中,这是个坏消息。苹果公司的第一款混合实境头盔Apple Vision Pro也未能 ...
The Quest 2 and Quest Pro are also being retired, and it's getting harder and harder to find stock for them at a reasonable price. For true deal hunters, the best Meta Quest accessories are what ...
Meta is reportedly working on a new high-end Quest headset prototype as a potential follow-up to the discontinued Quest Pro. Despite speculations, a new headset release isn't expected soon to ...
New or casual users of a Meta Quest can easily forget to update the VR headset’s underlying software, but that’d be a mistake. Meta is regularly adding and improving features or squashing bugs ...