Like scientific papers, oral presentations at a conference or internal seminar are for sharing your research work with other scientists. They, too, must convince the audience that the research ...
Vocally, vary the tone, rate, and volume of your voice as a function of the meaning, complexity, and importance of what you are saying. You need not invent a new intonation pattern: You simply ...
Here are links to some presentation templates and resources. See also the URCC Symposium pages on the Symposium online platform, Abstract writing, and Presentation tips for your oral presentation.
Designing PowerPoint Slides for a Scientific Presentation walks you through the key principles in designing powerful, easy to read slides. Delivering a Presentation provides tips and approaches to ...
If I am unable to attend my live oral session, can I pre-record a presentation and have this played during the session? No, all oral presentations must be completed during the live session. If you are ...