Your current balance (or outstanding balance) and statement balance are two entirely different figures. But your current balance and statement balance can occasionally align, particularly after ...
Two crucial terms that usually cause doubts are ‘unbilled amount’ and ‘outstanding balance.’ It is extremely important to understand the difference between the two clearly in a bid to ...
You should remember the financial term outstanding balance or outstanding amount. If you want to summarize all your liabilities to your credit card issuer you should call it your outstanding balance.
Banks usually charge interest only on the unpaid balance, not the entire amount. For example, if your outstanding amount is Rs 50,000 and you pay Rs 10,000, interest applies only to Rs 40,000.
If you've received a text from an unusual phone number or email address saying you have an outstanding balance on your ...
The firm blacklisted eight real estate players whose outstanding loan balance was about $700 million as of March 2024.