The diagrams show what happens when P waves and S waves pass through the Earth. S waves do not pass through the Earth's core S waves cannot pass through the liquid outer core, but P waves can.
These waves are higher frequency than surface waves. P waves are also known as compressional waves, because they push and pull. Particles subjected to a P wave move in the same direction that the wave ...
The S wave shadow zone is the area of the Earth’s surface where S waves are not detected following an earthquake. This shadow zone has led geologists to a model of the Earth with a solid mantle ...
For example, S-waves cannot travel through water and move at a slower speed than P-waves. Therefore, the presence, absence, and arrival time of S-waves can determine what the subsurface looks like.
1). When a Marsquake or meteorite impact occurs on Mars, SEIS can read the energy emitted as P-waves, S-waves, and surface ...
The waves on an ECG include the P wave, Q wave, R wave, S wave, T wave and U wave. Interval: The time between two specific ECG events. The intervals commonly measured on an ECG include the PR ...