the analysis of partial differential equations (PDE) and the mathematics of data. Some of today’s richest mathematical questions and most impactful algorithms arise in this vibrant field. One of the ...
The analysis of partial differential equations is a central subject in mathematics, combining the rigor of modern analysis and geometry with the concrete real-world intuition of physics and other ...
Linear and quasilinear first order PDE. The method of characteristics. Conservation laws and propagation of shocks. Basic theory for three classical equations of mathematical physics (in all spatial ...
Introduces the core methods in the analysis of nonlinear partial differential and integral equations or systems to graduate students. Provides a vehicle for the development, presentation, and ...
The analysis of partial differential equations is a central subject in mathematics, combining the rigor of modern analysis and geometry with the concrete real-world intuition of physics and other ...
Linear and quasilinear first order PDE. The method of characteristics. Conservation laws and propagation of shocks. Basic theory for three classical equations of mathematical physics (in all spatial ...