时间倒回20多年前,那时厨房里出现了一款在当时看来很新颖的东西,那就是不粘锅,它凭借着神奇的不粘特性,迅速风靡全球,成为无数家庭厨房的标配。 虽然用起来很便利,但很多人不知道的是,这背后隐藏着一场悄无声息的健康“黑幕”, ...
你知道厨房里的锅碗瓢盆真的安全吗?每天在家烹饪,看似只是享受美食,却可能潜伏着看不见的风险。随着科学技术进步,这场关于厨房安全的“生死较量”已经持续了20年,为何我们仍需警惕? 20多年前,不粘锅以其革命性的设计迅速占领市场。煎鱼不再担心粘锅,洗锅也变得轻松。便利的背后,许多人却不了解伴随而来的隐忧——一种叫作PFOA的化学物质。虽然那时对PFOA的研究非常有限,但随着科学研究的深入,它的真面目逐 ...
23 小时
mlive on MSNPFAS found in 19 residential wells near Jackson County AirportJACKSON COUNTY, MI - Chemicals found to cause serious heath issues were found in 19 residential wells near the Jackson County Airport. But state officials say the PFAS found during tests last year is ...
7 天
Blackpool Gazette on MSNHome grown allotment veg at Thornton site found to be contaminated with PFOA chemical ...Allotment holders and residents who live within 1 kilometre of the industrial site are being advised to take a precautionary ...
The East Berlin Area Joint Authority recently issued a notice to its customers about elevated levels of PFOA detected in one of the system's wells.
PFAS refer to more than 10,000 kinds of organic fluorine compounds, the most noteworthy of which are perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). They are sometimes referred to ...
9 天on MSN
The suit claims a waterway tested downstream of Arkema's West Chester plant showed three compounds were above allowable ...
This comes after the council launched an investigation into possible contamination of the site with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in September, which the site used from the 1950s to 2012.
In 2021, the Japanese government banned the manufacturing and use of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), which are typical PFAS and are often found in products such as ...
Teflon was once in the firing line for including man-made perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in its formula, but it removed the carcinogenic compound from the equation in 2013 after it was banned by ...
Quezon City. In the lead up to World Consumer Rights Day on March 15, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition hit the panic button to alert consumers about a banned hazardous chemical on the yell ...
Free of PTFE (such as Teflon), PFOA, PFAs, BPA, BPS, lead and heavy metals, and packaged sustainably, it's a choice you can feel good about. Ready to upgrade your kitchen? Shop Caraway's Enameled ...