A full playthrough of Until Dawn's PS3 prototype shows off a first-person perspective and the use of PlayStation Move motion ...
随着游戏产业的飞速发展,索尼的PlayStation 3(PS3)作为一款经典的游戏主机,虽然已经走过了多年,但依然受到众多玩家的喜爱与追捧。今天,我们将深入探讨PS3游戏的各种方面,通过引入更多事实数据、案例研究以及权威引用,以增强论点的说服力。
昨日,索尼为其经典的PlayStation 3 (PS3) 游戏机发布了意外的系统更新,让许多游戏玩家感到意外。这款主机自2006年首次推出后,至今已走过了19个年头。即便是2017年停产后,PS3依然以其经典的游戏阵容和强大的性能吸引着老玩家的热爱。此次更新将PS3的系统升级至4.92版本,不仅增强了系统性能,还更新了蓝光光驱的加密密钥。
在许多人已经将目光投向了新一代游戏机PS5时,索尼仍然没有忘记其19岁的老兵——PlayStation 3!在3月5日,索尼悄然推出了4.92版的系统更新,尽管这款主机早已停产,但对其忠实粉丝来说,这无疑是个好消息。
An entire playthrough of the PS3 version of Until Dawn played in first-person perspective has popped up online.
The PlayStation 3 contained some exceptional games that were extremely impressive in terms of what they could do for the ...
PlayStation fans are beside themselves after Sony surprise launched an update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) that…doesn’t really change all that much. Official PlayStation social media account ...
The PlayStation 3 is 19 years old this year, however, Sony has just released a crucial update for those still using it in their home cinema setups. It's a minor change that many won't notice, but if ...
Heads-up for all you PlayStation 3 diehards out there: the Sony console received a system software update on March 5, almost 19 years after its 2006 launch. PS3 system software update 4.92 ...