A home urine test demonstrated high sensitivity for detection of aggressive prostate cancer, according to study findings.The ...
Some of the risks of prostate screening include the false positive rate. The false positive rate is the number of men with an abnormal PSA, who do not have cancer. For some years a cutoff of 4.0 ng/mL ...
This last test came up with a solid dark line, indicating a PSA level above 4.0 ug/l. A private blood test taken the same day and sent to a laboratory showed a much lower reading of 0.27 ug/l.
A charity aims to offer 3,000 blood tests to help with early detection of the cancer.
According to the report, Williams did not receive a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, an examination which may have told doctors about his cancer earlier and could have prevented it from ...
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test which is used to check for prostate conditions including prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate. Routine PSA testing is not currently ...
Scott Eggener, MD, gave a talk at the LUGPA annual meeting titled “Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technologies to Enhance Prostate Cancer Treatments.” ...
Prostate Cymru is bringing its vital PSA testing service to Brecon Rugby Club on Sunday, April 6, as part of an ambitious nationwide campaign to make prostate cancer testing more accessible for men.