Farmers from the Harz Mountains in Germany used ammonites, which they called dragonstones, as medicine for farm animals. Paul explains, 'They believed that adding a dragonstone to the milk pail would ...
Most ammonites died out 66 million years ago, at the same time as dinosaurs. Fossilised ammonite shells can be found all around the world, including on parts of Britain's coastline. But if you can't ...
The process of opalization refers to something turning into an opal — like for example, a big part of this fossil. Opalized ammonite fossils are formed through a unique geological process ...
Fossils found in the northern part of Hokkaido are a new type of ammonite, the once-ubiquitous spiral-shelled creatures that went extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, researchers said.
The main features and visible remains of the site can be dated to the Iron Age [main and eastern parts of the site ... This is different from the Ammonites (literally, “the sons of Ammon ...