[Scott] built a confetti canon to spice up the party. It’s pneumatic and re-purposes ... We suppose you could even adapt this for use as a T-shirt cannon.
And clouds of confetti shot — or fired — out of cannons swirl in the air. You really can’t have a championship event without it. Late Monday night at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, bits of Notre ...
CHENEY - In an all too common gender-reveal party gone wrong, Sutton Park was shut down Monday, Feb. 3, for a bomb scare. But a suspicious device found in the park was "a large confetti cannon similar ...
The Cheney Police Department investigated a reported suspicious package at Sutton Park Monday morning. According to Eastern ...
"I actually spoke to a former state senator who told me that in another part of the state, somebody had fired a (metallic) confetti cannon at a power line and the electricity arced back to the ...
And clouds of confetti shot — or fired — out of cannons swirl in the air. You really can’t have a championship event without it. Late Monday night at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, bits of Notre ...