protecting it from scavengers Scientists have announced the discovery of a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo that was preparing to hatch from its egg, just like a chicken. The embryo was ...
The approximately five-and-a-half-metre-long specimen was so perfectly preserved that researchers were able to stare into the face of a real dinosaur that lived during a time when North America ...
Preserved in remarkable detail within an elongatoolithid egg, the embryo reveals an articulated skeletal arrangement rarely found in dinosaur fossils. The head of the embryo lies ventral to the ...
Scientists on Tuesday announced the discovery of an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo from at least 66 million years ago that was preparing to hatch from its egg just like a chicken.
The 72 to 66-million-year-old oviraptorosaur embryo was found in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, in southern China.
It turns out to be a perfectly preserved corpse that’s been buried for 110 million years. The discovery is a comple tely intact armoured dinosaur, the fossil of a brand new species to science.
The embryo was in a coiled position known as “folding” Chinese researchers have found a perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo. The egg was in all likelihood preserved by a sudden landslide that ...
An incredibly rare dinosaur embryo discovered perfectly preserved inside its egg has shown scientists new details of the development and appearance of sauropods which lived 80 million years ago.
An enormous, extremely well preserved dinosaur skull unearthed in China belongs to a never-before-seen species, researchers say. The early sauropod relative was discovered in 2007 in the Lufeng ...