The Apple Dog meme, also known as the Dog With Apple or Dog With Apple In Mouth meme, was first posted by @brokenbyrds on X, whose Nov. 15, 2023, post went viral with over 6.5K retweets and 28K ...
How is the Dog Closing His Eyes Halfway used in memes? The meme is popular due to the posts’ relatability: we all have those moments when we’ve made a mistake or forgotten something and are ...
Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, rescued her from a puppy mill in 2008 Kabosu, the dog behind the "doge" meme, has died after ... took a picture of her pet crossing her paws on the sofa.
The name of the coin is an homage to the popular internet meme known as Doge, which became popular in 2013 and features the face of a dog with comic sans texts in the background.