The character of Lamb Chop is over 70-years-old, but the puppet remains insanely popular with pets today. Here's how "Lambie" ...
But, instead of giving up, the owner knew just the right animal for the job: the family's "gently" dog, Digby. The Labrador took Simon under his wings. In the clip, Digby sniffed Simon and inspected ...
Now, the stuffed animal is the hottest dog toy in America — with some four-legged collectors even hoarding hundreds of the affordable $6.99 plushie. Manhattanite Mango loves his Lamb Chops ...
"We have a shed full of expecting mothers who will be out with their new lambs in the fields on Exmoor. "What is so so important is that if you are out with your dog, please keep it on a lead," he ...