While some fears, like of heights or spiders, are quite common, others are much more unusual and can even seem downright ...
Many children outgrow their fears, but persisting worries may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Psychologists weigh in on when it’s time to seek professional help.
Researchers identified the mechanism mice use to overcome instinctive fear, saying it may help research for people with disorders such as PTSD, anxiety and phobias.
New research shows how the brain overcomes instinctive fear and has helped scientists get a better understanding of how our ...
The word phobia comes from the Ancient Greek god of fear, Phobos. The unveiling of the new iPhone 11 Pro has apparently triggered some people’s fear of small holes. If you’ve never heard of ...
Published today in Science, the study in mice could have implications for developing therapeutics for fear-related disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The ...
For some children and their parents, however, it can be difficult to determine when fears are typical and when they are developing into more serious phobias or anxiety disorders. Fears are a ...