After years of research into xenotransplantation, the field is at a turning point—yet risks and ethical issues remain ...
Genetically modified pigs with human-compatible organs offer a potential solution to the organ shortage crisis, with ongoing ...
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, has increasingly spread to mammals and infected hundreds of ...
Scientists believe humans may be able to regrow lost teeth at some point in the next five years. Not only that, they also say ...
Surgeon Muhammad Mansoor Mohiuddin is a leader in the novel field of xenotransplantation—transferring organs from one species to another—in his case, from pigs to humans.
PPL Therapeutics (Edinburgh, UK), the company that, along with the Roslin Institute, cloned Dolly the sheep, announced on March 14 that it had created the first pigs cloned from adult cells.
The scientists who created Dolly, the world's first cloned sheep, today said the prospect of pigs' organs being transplanted into humans had moved one step closer following successful gene ...
Short snouts and a flat profile - within a span of 100 years, humans have significantly changed the shape of the skulls of German domestic pigs. According to a team from Martin Luther University ...
In a paper published in late December, a team at Tufts University reported having successfully grown human-like teeth in pigs. Pamela Yelick, a professor at the Tufts School of Dental Medicine and ...
A pig’s heart beating in a human? This medical feat has already been achieved – at least for a short time. Kidneys from animals have also been transplanted. Last year, a 62-year-old man lived ...