Two types of bird - the red-backed shrike and black grouse - could be re-introduced along with pine martens as part of the ...
These members of the weasel family are being reintroduced across Britain, but the Scottish Highlands offer the best chance of ...
Potential life span is at least 15-17 years, although few adults in the wild are likely to live to this age. Gebo, T. 1976. The pine marten (Martes american) in the Adirondacks: distribution of ...
Two types of bird - the red-backed shrike and black grouse - could be reintroduced along with pine martens as part of the first-ever Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derby and Derbyshire drawn ...
Gamekeepers are warning capercaillie could be lost from Scotland for a second time, unless steps are taken to control pine marten numbers. The pine marten is one of Scotland's rarest native mammal ...
A decade-long conservation project to restore the fortunes of pine martens across Britain has hit a major milestone. A collaboration between Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) and Forestry and Land ...
Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions The only recent evidence for pine martens existing in Wales is sightings by members of the public. The Scottish population appears to be faring relatively ...
They include a new pine marten hotspot revealed using trail cameras, a new species of fungus and a pond full of Hampshire purslane, a rare aquatic plant almost entirely restricted to this area.